Monday, April 23, 2007

For those of you who haven't harvested this from NYT or Daily Kos... I'm getting all into the bloglines thing now, so convenient!

Food, money, government, politics, immigration... one big happy mess. Very important (and well written):

You Are What You Grow


DP said...

Right on! of the first things I learned about cooking, from chefs and sous-chef friends, and countless cookbooks, was to buy predominantly from the "perimeter," when you need to buy food in a supermarket. Pretty much sums up the first page of this very good article.
The second thing I learned from the above sources was that Whole Foods, Trader Joe's, etc., are not much better in terms of health than supermarket stuff--what they do improve upon is the price.(I no doubt will have Whole Food fans yelling at me for this. Fine. They have a good minor selection of healthy hard to find stuff, but look a the majority of what they carry--read the ingredients.)
The third thing I learned is that it's the little stores--culture-specific bodegas in NY, and culture-specific stores outside NY, that are the best place to get your ingredients (and super inexpensive spices, which are always jacked up and processed in supermarkets).
The fourth thing I learned was that if you flush an active tear gas cannister down the toilet in an attempt to get rid of it, it explodes. I can't reveal how I learned that.

A.D.C. Cake said...

I miss Kensington Market in Toronto, talk about cheap spices, and anything you could imagine. The markets here are awesome too. I have now been dubbed "Mevrouw Theekoeke" ("Ms. Teacake") by my Saturday pastry guy, I didn't bother to explain to him how right he really was (nevermind that I buy 4 teacakes every Saturday). They have apricot jam in the middle, what am I SUPPOSED to do!