Sunday, November 12, 2006

You would not believe what I just went through with this computer. I got cut off by KotNet (KULeuven's ISP network) the other day, and they told me I had a trojan. So I go through the exstensive rigamorole to get the McAfee's yada yada and scan my poor little comp, and lo, 20something Trojans and over 4,000 viruses!! Poor thing, she must have been struggling in that sick state for some time, since I've been really bad about testing and firewalling pretty much since I got her. But, two OS restores and seven scans later, she's clean as a whistle and running better than ever.

In the meantime, I've been on this budget kick--wherein I try to stick to my budget--so I've been kicking around my little room, doing work and cleaning. Feels pretty good to sit down to work and have a nice empty area to fill. Even though Brad was very wonderful and cleaned my whole place and bought me flowers before he left, I've done a pretty good job wrecking the place since he flew back.

I guess besides the various modes of cleaning and working, I don't have much to report. I went to see Children of Men with Cordelia and Mark last night, which is only the second time I've indulged cinematically since I've been here. The last time was to see Science of Sleep, which I thought was excellent. Children of Men wasn't so good, I thought. Your standard pseudo-post-apocolyptic thriller with tons of shocking violence and many, many totally unbelieveable transitions and plot points. The best part though was Michael Caine's rendition of the standard enlightened-hippie-hiding-in-a-beautiful-house-in-the-woods character. As so many of these characters are for me--and I suppose are meant to be--his was an oasis in the otherwise dry and predictable movie.

Otherwise I'm just tired and feeling a bit overwhelmed I guess. So much to do, so little will to do it. I've been working pretty constantly, but I took this weekend off just to do nothing and fix my computer, which took most of the weekend anyway. At any rate, I did write out my research bibliographies for my thesis today, and I have a lot of really interesting reading to do, so I suppose that's something to look forward to.

I'll leave you on an upbeat note. This is my favorite stupid cat photo of the moment, second only to the Kitty Lime Helmet, which never gets old. She's a bit pixelated because I resized her to post on Phoebe's Myspace page, but you get the idea.

As if to say: "what?"

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