Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year everyone!

2006 was a doozy, that's for certain, but I think 2007 is shaping up nicely. I'm tired as all get out, even though I had a very sedate New Year's Eve, relatively speaking. My Mom brought Trivial Pursuit for me when she came with my Brother for Christmas (more on that later) so Marianne, Shannon, Mark and I went for Ethiopian food (tremendously awesome) and just played Trivial Pursuit until well after the clock struck the beginning of the new year. Marianne won (of course) but I think the rest of us put up a pretty good fight. It was nice, I'm always afraid of this celebration day, especially when I'm away from Ithaca, because you really can't beat NYE in I-town, or at least I've never been able to find anything better. But we managed to beat all the blues and pressure and had a wonderful time!

As previously mentioned, the Momiji and Brohan came over on the 22nd and stayed for a glorious week. We went to Brugge and Antwerp, but otherwise we just rambled around Leuven and ate like royalty. Only the best for my Moms, and I love it when I get to ride that wagon. We played a lot of trivial pursuit too, and they took lots of pictures, which I am waiting to get through email (hint hint) and then I'll post them on Flickr. Here I'll include a couple portraits and the train station in Antwerp, which I promised to share a long time ago. We didn't get to go to Namur, which is a shame, I really wanted my Mom to experience the dessert house, but time is always short with the visits.

It was super nice not to be completely without family for the holidays, I think I would've been a bit upset if I was all alone (but for my wonderful friends). But now that it's all over it's just going to be work work work from now until my Dad and fam come in February. My exams start on the 18th of this month, which gives me a bit of time to catch up on all the stuff I've been sidelining, which is not a terrific amount, but enough to put the pressure on.This is the view of the spectacular entrance to the train station in Antwerp from the platforms, it's just breathtakingly beautiful, and massive. Below is my beautiful Mother (Pia) in my apartment, who thinks she takes terrible pictures, but as you can see, that's just modesty.And here of course is the Moose (Adam), with his new set of keys. He stayed with me while my Mom stayed at the Holiday Inn down the street. Of course he popped my airmattress, but was generally cheerful otherwise. It was SO nice to get to spend some time with my family, it has been a while after all.

At any rate, I hope everyone had a lovely break/celebration and I wish everyone absolutely the best the new year has to offer!

Much love,


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