Saturday, September 23, 2006

I know this is silly, but one of the things I love about this city is the little tray you get your coffee on in cafes. You get your coffee, in a cup AND saucer, a little thing of creamer, two sugar cubes (or tubes), a spoon and a cookie or chocolate. Yesterday I had a coffee that came with a little dish of whipped cream, and you KNOW I'm going back there. I've been saving up my cookies for the last few days so that I could share this trivial delight with you. There are all kinds of cookies, though my favorites are the little chocolate wafers and the fruit creams from the Cafe Universum that remind me of my beloved Peek Freans. Sometimes you get chocolates instead, and of course the chocolate here is bomb. I haven't forgotten my promise of chocolates to many of you, don't worry, they're coming, as soon as I figure out the postal system.

I also changed the comment settings on my blog so you don't have to be a member to leave one. I didn't realize that was the case or I would have changed it earlier. Please don't post anonymously though. If I think I don't know you, I might erase your comment.

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Anonymous said...
